Lipstick With My Whiskey
An All Inclusive Blog For All Inclusive Women

About me

Hello, my name is Natasha, I am a stay at home mom originally from Pittsburgh, PA. Now I reside on the outskirts of PGH, somewhere between the suburbs and BFE with my teddy bear biker, my son aptly nicknamed "Tornado" and our two cats Ozzy and Roxy.
I created this blog because I have a few thoughts I need to share and living with guys, well, they don't really care about the latest nail trend or how much the coffee grinds helped the Black Eye Susans. I want to create a sort of an "all inclusive" blog that covers the most popular interests relevant to women such as beauty, gardening, cooking, exercise, and crafts. As well as mixology, DIY, books, and anything else that I feel will be beneficial to you, my readers!
If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions please drop me a line through my Contact page and I'll get back to you asap.
Few rules for commenting on my blog I would ask you to respect:
~Please don't judge others, or yourself for that matter, if we all were created equally then this would be a pretty boring world to live in.
~Foul language isn't a big deal however name calling will not be tolerated.
~Sometimes I get ideas from other blogs or I will recommend a post from another blog. If I did not credit your blog properly tell me and I will fix it! Everyone deserves credit for their hard work and time.
I hope you enjoy reading my blog as much as I do creating it. Now, grab your poison of choice, let your hair down, and get reading.
Adios amigas!