Not The Military's Chili Mac
When I was in JROTC I was the biggest fan of MRE's (Meals Ready To Eat). There were tons of varieties to choose from back then and even...

How To Remove The Housing On A Perfume Bottle
My final post for Perfume Week is dedicated to the nozzle on my favorite daytime perfume "I Fancy You" by Jessica Simpson, which broke. ...

DIY Hair Perfume
Remember back in the late 90's or early 00's, I believe, L'Oreal came out with hair perfume that ultimately crashed and burned? The...

What To Do With Magazine Perfume Samples
I have a serious problem with collecting magazine perfume samples. So bad that I subscribe to 10 different magazines just to get more...

Blueberry Honey Muffins
Is it any secret that I love Blueberries? They are my favorite baking fruit. Everything tastes better with Blueberries. Pancakes? Pies?...

Conditioning Hair Mask
Happy Monday everyone! Jk, April Fools! Yeah, yeah I know I stink at pranks. Not my forte. However, my hair seems to be playing a...

NOTW: Beach Break
Spring Break is here, if you need a last minute idea for your polish when you head to the beach try this DIY marble nail polish. ...

COTW: Long Beach Watermelon Rum Runner
Watermelons hit out local store recently and after six months of going without I couldn't resist. HAD to get! Especially since it is...

Painting Terracotta Pots
I was going through the Dungeon of Spiders (aka the crawl space) around the end of Summer last year and found a boat load of Terracotta...

Transition Your Makeup Bag From Winter To Spring
Happy Spring ladies! Yes, it is finally here after months of snow, ice, and gloomy skies. That means it is time to start putting away...