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Quick And Easy Blueberry Peach Sherbet

In our town we live about 1/4 mile away from one of the biggest churches around. Every weekday at 9am, 12pm, and 8pm they play their chimes that are set on a timer. They are quite pretty to listen to while I'm outside gardening but sometimes chimes go bad. Like this morning when they played at 4am. They just switched their chime times for DTS and got them totally mixed up. I'm full on Anxiety Cat when I get a normal night sleep, you can imagine what I am like when I get an unexpected five hours of sleep. I hopped out of bed thinking something horrible had happened and raced to check the news. By the time my heart rate finally went down, I was wide awake with no chance of getting back to sleep. I had six cups of coffee and a big can of Red Bull before noon today. I can smell colors.

Since I had so much caffeine and sodium today I became bloated. Like my jeans left impressions in my stomach bloated. When I got home I made some Cucumber Lime Water and nixed the taco shells for Taco Tuesday, opting instead for Taco Lettuce Wraps to help combat this bloat. However, I had yet to have my sugar crash and I was craving something sweet to eat. No way I was reaching for the ice cream or making cookies. I needed something a bit healthier.


Blueberry Peach Sherbet

(makes 2 servings)

1/2 cup Chilled Blueberries

1 cup Frozen Peaches

4 tbsp Heavy Whipping Cream

2 tbsp Agave Syrup

In a food processor, alternate between grinding and chopping Blueberries and Peaches until no big chunks remain. Add Heavy Whipping Cream 2 tbsp at a time, grinding to combine into a thick paste. (Before adding the remaining HWC, push the fruit down from the sides so everything gets saturated) Push all of the fruit mix to one side, add the Agave Syrup, and grind again. Distribute between two bowls and enjoy!

Such a simple dessert, took all of 5 minutes and it tastes like absolute heaven. Highly recommend that you break this out at your next small BBQ when you have some friends and family over. Since it is so quick to make you won't miss much time away from your guests and it can be frozen for up to a week.

Now I'm going to go grab up Ozzy and have a lazy standoff with him on the couch while we watch Golden Girls reruns until it's time for bed. I have a feeling I might win the standoff this time, but he's a pro. We'll see. Until next time amigas, adios!

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