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COTW: Lemon Tingle

This week I was spring cleaning the bar and fondly looking over everything we've used to mix with this past year. Some of these bottles are marked with a big smiley face and some of them have a giant red X on them. Those poor losers to our taste buds that are waiting their fate to be a base for sauce (looking at you blackberry whiskey). As I continued to clean I found an unopened bottle, way in the back that I do not remember buying. It was Sake! Get it together self, how could you forget that you bought Sake! Turns out the Mr bought it as a present and completely forgot about it. Get it together Mr!

Sake is one of my favorites. Warm or cold, it gives very little in the way of a hangover and all of the tasty goodness. Not filling, so you can have one more Eel Roll without feeling like you're going to explode. Plus, how it is served is dazzling. What else could you want in a drink? Give me ALL the Sake.

Since it is Friday during Lent I was planning on making fish tacos tonight and what goes better with fish than Sake. However, I had to make sure that the Sake was still good. I mean, it's been cooped up in that bottle for over 2 years, it might have turned! *giggle*


Lemon Tingle

1/4 cup sliced Cucumbers

1 tbsp Lemon Syrup (recipe below)


1.5 oz Sake

Tonic Water

Slice cucumbers and place in a shallow bowl. Pour the Lemon Syrup over top of them, let them sit while making the drink. Fill a rocks glass half way with ice and add Sake. Dump cucumbers, syrup and all, into glass and top off with Tonic Water. Give a slight stir to combine all of the flavors and enjoy!

Lemon Syrup

2 Lemons

1 cup Water

1 cup Sugar

Set water over high heat to boil. While waiting for the water to boil, slice Lemons and place in water. Once water begins to boil, remove from heat, and add Sugar. Stir until the Sugar is completely dissolved. As it cools it will thicken and draw the juice/flavor from the Lemons. Strain into an air tight jar and store in the refridgerator for up to two weeks.

This is such a refreshing drink and perfect after a day of Spring cleaning or gardening. The Sake has an aroma that matches perfectly with the Tonic Water. The cukes give it a pleasing display while the Lemon Syrup sweetens it just enough. The bubbles tingle your throat and tickles your nose. I hope that you like this as much as I did. Until next time amigas, adios!


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