Garlicky Rosemary Chicken W/ Lemon
Sorry I didn't post much last week, my crazy weekend concluded with me getting sick Tuesday so ended up drowning myself in Nyquil, chicken soup, and afternoon game shows until Friday. Now I am back to being myself again, finally! Being sick totally stinks, first you can't breath, then you're at the mercy of everyone else, finally everything tastes bland. I believe that is the worst part. Even chicken tasted like nothing. I had to make that up yesterday with this delicious Roasted Chicken recipe.

Garlicky Rosemary Chicken w/ Lemon
(Serves: 4 Time: 2 .5 Hours)
1 whole Chicken
1 stick Salted Butter
3 tbsp Minced Garlic
1/4 cup Rosemary
1 sliced Lemon
2 cups cheap White Wine
1 cup Chicken Broth

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Rinse chicken and remove anything inside (our chicken came with a giblet packet stuffed in the cavity) then set on a rack in a roasting pan. Combine White Wine and Chicken Broth, pour into bottom of pan. You should have at least 1/4 inch coverage on the bottom of the pan, if not, add more Wine and Broth in a 2;1 ratio until you do. Peel back the skin on the top and bottom of the chicken leaving it intact on the legs and wings. This may require a bit of work, stick your hand in there, wiggle and push. Don't be scurred! Cut up the stick of butter and melt in the microwave (careful your bowl may be hot!). Add the Rosemary and Garlic to the butter, stir to combine. Pour 1/4 cup of the mixture under the skin on both sides. Use a basting brush to spread it around. Use the rest of the Butter mix on the outside of the chicken, brush it on and try to spread the Rosemary and Garlic evenly on the chicken. Slice the Lemon and place them on the Chicken using the toothpicks to secure them in place. Place in oven and immediately turn the temp down to 350 degrees. Every 30 minutes or so baste the outside, inside, and lemons to keep the chicken moist. Roast for 2 hours or until internal temp reaches 165 degrees and juices run clear. In the end your chicken should look similar to this:

We served this with Chive & Onion mashed potatoes and Brussel Sprouts, it was heavenly! The aroma filled the kitchen and got the guys to the table quickly. It was delicious, the Chicken was moist and tangy. I hope you enjoy this as much as we did, until next time amigas, adios!