COTW: Lemon Tingle
This week I was spring cleaning the bar and fondly looking over everything we've used to mix with this past year. Some of these bottles...

Breakfast For Dinner AKA Brinner
Happy Belated St Patricks Day everyone! Sorry I forgot, I blame it on Tullemore Dew (and green beer). Anyway, since we missed Sunday...

The 1/3 Life Crisis
I've got a friend who's turning 30 in a couple months. The intensity level of her frenzied rants increase with every passing day. This...

Spring Cleaning: One Day At A Time
Spring cleaning, what can I say about it? I've typed this opening paragraph three different times trying to make it seem less daunting...

How To Clean Makeup Brushes
Cleaning your makeup brushes, something that we all should be doing but some of us don't either because we don't know how or we just do...

Quick And Easy Blueberry Peach Sherbet
In our town we live about 1/4 mile away from one of the biggest churches around. Every weekday at 9am, 12pm, and 8pm they play their...

Sephora vs. Ulta: Rewards Showdown
Daylight Savings Time is officially upon us and as far as I am concerned that means it is SPRING! Right after DST begins or ends I like...

COTW: Dragon Fire Margarita
What a crazy week it has been! First, the pizza shop finally opened this week. YAH! It has taken months of hard work from everyone...

Spa Day On A Budget
Like I mentioned in my last post I helped my friend move last week. Fortunately she had only one room to move as she had been rooming...

NOTW: Maui Summer
First of all, I want to apologize for not posting zip last week. Between helping my BFF move and running around for hubby's business I...